CSSME Seminar Series: Developing a measure of science teacher knowledge development: from theory into practice

Speaker: Syakima Ibrahim (PhD student), School of Education, University of Leeds

"In developing a quantitative measure, it is common for developers to validate the construct using statistical evidence. However, deciding on the causality of theoretical factors in the measured construct is often ambiguous (Wilson 2004). I will present my work in developing Self-Efficacy in Teaching using Science Inquiry Skills (SETSIS) instrument, with which I intend to measure the construct of teacher knowledge development in using skill-based knowledge among Malaysian science pre-service teachers. This uses a model of three hypothetical self-efficacy factors in knowledge, practice and belief.  The 324 valid responses provide 54.7% of explained variance from the three factors.

Using Rasch analysis, I further explore the structure of the empirical responses. Analysis on the person ability-item difficulty map provided by the model determines at least three distinctive levels of the measure. The results suggest that in teaching using science inquiry skills (SIS), pre-service teachers first develop their belief in the value of the skills. Then, they believe to be able to practise the skills in the classroom along with the ability to reinforce the knowledge of teaching using the skills. How this model of three factors of self-efficacy relates to knowledge of the skills and the professional practice of science pre-service teacher education will also be discussed."

This event is open to all, and no registration is required.

Location details

Coach House
School of Education
Hillary Place
University of Leeds

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